Exhibition news

What consumer behavior trends are predicted for 2020? Find out at spring HouseHold Expo

Director of Znak-marketing agency Alexey Bugaev will talk about consumer behavior trends at the spring industrial exhibition HouseHold Expo-2020. Key topics of the seminar “What products will be bought in 2020? Trends of consumer behavior”:

New artificial fir trees at Christmas Box. Podarki-2020

Max Christmas and Morozco companies will showcase new samples of artificial fir trees at the 13th international exhibition Christmas Box. Podarki-2020.

Premieres from La mamma at ChemiCos-2020

La mamma company will be taking part in the International exhibition of household chemistry, personal care products and cosmetics ChemiCos-2020 (Crocus Expo IEC, March 24-26) for the first time.
