Exhibition news

Capabilities and needs of the market for housewares and the kitchen segment. Retail trade development prospects

The publishing editor of “Posuda” magazine will give a presentation dedicated to the research on the topic “Capabilities and needs of the market for housewares and the kitchen segment. Retail trade development prospects” within the framework of the Day of Regional Retail at the International exhibition HouseHold Expo on March 25, 2020.

HouseHold Expo spring-2020: promising channels of tableware sales

“What should be done in the sales system today in order to sell successfully in 3-5 years” – one will have a chance to find it out at the workshop of Tatiana Sorokina on the Day of Regional Retail to take place on March 25 at the international exhibition HouseHold Expo spring 2020.

New topic of the cycle of workshops and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer”

As part of the spring cycle of workshops and seminars “Goods, effective sales, loyal customer” of the business programme at international exhibition HouseHold Expo 2020 to take place on March 24-26, 2020, at Crocus Expo IEC, Alexey Babushkin will present his seminar “How to keep your customers and motivate them to buy again and again”. Key topics for discussion:

Modern trends in the layout of household goods

For the first time within the framework of international spring exhibitions HouseHold Expo and Outdoor Dacha Georgy Smirnov will present a topic on merchandising “Modern trends in the layout of household goods”. Among the issues to be discussed during the seminar will be:
