Exhibition news

Premieres in kitchenware category, accessories for table setting, household chemistry at HouseHold Expo spring 2022

Novelties and premieres of the International Exhibition HouseHold Expo from March 22-24, 2022 at Crocus Expo IEC, hall 11, in the category of household chemistry, items for table settings, small kitchen ware will be presented at the stands of the following companies: DARIIS-AKCAM, ERNA-MAS MAKİNA TİC.VE SAN.A.S., FANSET, FUNZONE, Guangzhou Champion Home Appliances Co., Ltd., HİRA CUTLERY, IDILAND, Landingforce Limited, LIRA, ND Play, O.M.S. Collection, RESTO Kitchenware (Germany), Soton Daily Necessities CO., LTD Y.W., TITIZ PLASTIK, TurboJet, URSUS, VERDE, Zhongshan Camry Manufacturer and Trading Co., Ltd., Фабрика серебра АргентА, Архимед, Бёрнер Ист, БизнесПласт, Брестский радиотехнический завод, ВЫГОДА ГК, ИП Глазырин Алексей Николаевич, Интес – эксклюзивный дистрибьютор марки tescoma в РФ, Йорк РУ, Кольчугинский мельхиор, Лорейн, ИП Мамсиров Амирхан Асланбекович, МАП ЮНИОН, Миленд, МИРХОЗТОРГ, Москвичка исконно хороша, Мультидом Трейдинг, ИП Мусатов Д.А., ИП Нагайцев И.В., ПИ ЭР БРАШ, Пилот МС, Пионер, Пластик Репаблик, Тепло-Люкс, ТриА Товары для дома, Управляющая компания Лысьвенские заводы, ХОЗЭКСПО, Хоффманн Групп, Эстет and others.

Premieres of goods for children at HouseHold Expo spring 2022

Goods for children at the spring international exhibition HouseHold Expo will be presented by a wide range of products from toys to hygiene products: pampers and pants, children textile, children tableware, drawers, toys and sand sets, and many others.  

Items for interior and fragrances for home – premieres at Stylish Home. Gifts spring 2022

Novelties and premieres of the exhibition in the ‘interior items and fragrances for home’ category at the spring Stylish Home. Gifts exhibition. Among the novelties:

Special conditions for buyers at the stands of participating companies of spring exhibitions

During the running of HouseHold Expo, ChemiCos & ChemiCosBeauty, Christmas Box. Podarki, Stylish Home. Gifts and Outdoor Dacha spring 2022 exhibitions in the framework of «Center B2B RETAIL – POSTAVSCHIK» participants provide special conditions for retailers and buyers when concluding contract at stands.

Program is held from March 22 to March 24 during the running of the exhibitions.
