What does a chain store need private labels for? Find out at HouseHold Expo-2019

What does a chain store need private labels for? Find out at HouseHold Expo-2019

  • What can the private label of chain store do?
  • How can a chain store know that it is time to have its private label?
  • How should a chain store develop and launch a private label?
  • How can a chain store assess the efficiency of a private label?

The master-class will take place on February 27, 2019, at Crocus Expo IEC within the framework of the business programme of the international exhibition HouseHold Expo-2019

Speaker: Alexander Anfinogenov

24 27 11   СТМ Афиногенов html 850b40ebaa1bca3bIndependent expert of the FMCG market,

Former vice-president on the private label division, X5 Retail Group