Trend-bureau TRENDSQUIRE will talk about key world tendencies in 2018/19 at the exhibition Stylish Home

Workshops and seminars will be held in the discussion zone.

Workshop topics within the framework of the business programme will be the following:

  1. Statistics of sales or trends? Theory and practice of assortment forecasts for manufacture and retail

– existing practices and difficulties of assortment forecasts

– sales and image – different objectives, one aim

– key tools for working with consumer demand

– assortment which people like


  1. Key interior tendencies of 2018/19 in the world and their application on the Russian market

– sensitivity of the Russian audience to tendencies

– colour and its influence on the customer, how to work with colour

– print, pattern – surface design in interior and object design

– form as a reflection of in-depth demand of customers


  1. Design and décor in the HoReCa segment – creating emotion, hype. Objectives and their solutions, design technologies

– attracting the audience with visual communication means

– offline and online communications: website and hall – what main visitor groups want

– the difference between fashionable and memorable: consumer experience

– trends in the interior and table decorations adapted for the Russian market

Speaker – Ksenia Lery